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SSF  Scorpion Strike Force Airsoft

Name: Chris

Age: 25

Rank: 1stLT

Role: Rifleman/Grenadier/Communications

Role Details: Chris is the team leader on the field and in training.  His job is to make sure the team gets the tasks assigned to them done.  To do this Chris is incharge of the teams tactical training.  Everything from basic shooting positions to complex team movements.  This training is essential for the team to complete their mission.
Years Active: 6

Years of Experience: 10

Favorite Food: Cheese Cake

Favorite Movie(s): A Knights Tale, Good Fellas, My Cousin Vinny

Past times(besides airsoft): Parkour, Paintball, Video Games, Hiking, Programming, Golf, Basketball, Fishing & Guitar.

Favorite Quote: "Why live life safe, No one gets out alive anyways".

Chris : Brew Master

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