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SSF  Scorpion Strike Force Airsoft

Tyler: HammerHead

Name: Tyler

Age: 21

Rank: 1stLT

Role: Rifleman/Medic/ Tech
Role Details: Tyler plays a key part in any long op or event. Aside from being a medic,  anyone who has played airsoft for anytime knows that when you really need a gun to fire it desides to take a vacation.  Tyler is our Tech.  If its broken or stuborn he can fix it.  He also likes to develop special gadgets for the field.  So when the time calls for a unique situation Tyler normally has the tool for the job.
Years Active: 6

Years of Experience: 10

Favorite Food: Home made Manicotti

Favorite Movie: 

Past times(besides airsoft): Guitar, Basketball, Golf, Programming, Robotics

Favorite Quote: 

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